Virtual Patient Observation Technology is the Key to Improving Patient Safety Efforts in Hospitals

How to Improve Patient Safety in Your Hospital

Hospitals across the nation experience similar patient safety challenges — increasing in-patient falls, increasing patient sitter program costs, and increasing nurse burnout.

The answer to these challenges is NOVA.

NOVA (Nursing Observation and Virtual Assistant) is an innovative solution focused on improving patient safety, reducing patient falls, decreasing operational costs, and improving nurse and patient satisfaction.

  • Provides constant monitoring of multiple patients
  • Does not rely on expensive 1:1 patient sitters
  • Communicates with patients through audio and visual displays
  • Allows real-time reporting of each patient's status
  • Fits the needs of the patients as NOVA can be a moveable cart, wall-mounted solution, or a ceiling-mounted solution.

Learn how your hospital can implement 12 NOVA devices for under $7,000 / month by scheduling a call with a NOVA expert today!